We offer help to Muslims in need
Our work covers helping to offset medical bills, granting of loans and grants to indigent families and providing palliatives in the time of economic and health crisis.
Most of the help we have rendered have centred around Muslims who were dying and unable to pay for treatment. In some cases patients and their families are trapped in Hospitals unable to pay their bills, sometimes these patients are even in need of more treatment.
Interest Free Loan
For those with temporal difficulty, the challenge has always been where to access interest free loans considering that Nigeria's economic system is hugely Riba based. An-Nusrah Foundation provides such loans to worthy applicants with very relaxed payment plan.
Grants & Pallatives
After verifying that a Muslim sincerely needs any form of financial help, the Foundation have had cause to give out monies in grant to save applicants from seemingly impossible situations and humiliation. We also provided palliatives in the event of disasters like COVID19.
Another area Muslims in Nigeria are disadvantaged is Education. The style through which formal education was introduced to Nigeria and the high poverty rate among Muslims called for help in supporting ourselves in getting loans and grants for education.